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 [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition

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Double C
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Double C
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Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 10:37

Nouvelle année, nouvelle offseason, nouveau topic

On commence l'année sur une bonne nouvelle : Bryant Young rempile! cheers

Citation :
Bryant Young update

Monday, January 1, 2007 at 09:17:00 PT
Source: San Francisco Chronicle

According to a SF Chronicle article Bryant Young is pleased with the progress the 49ers (7-9) made, defensive tackle Bryant Young said he definitely wants to return for the 2007 season.

"I feel healthy and that was key for me, to get through the entire season healthy,'' said Young, the longest-tenured 49er who turns 35 on Jan. 27. "And I like what we did in the offseason, there is a lot to build on. And with the type of guys that we bring in, it's only going to get better.''

The final two years of Young's contract voided after this season because he reached certain playing time incentives.

Young, who was a first-round draft pick out of Notre Dame in 1994, believes the 49ers are on track to make the playoffs next season.

"I feel that, definitely. We're headed in the right direction with this franchise,'' he said. "And I want to be a part of that.''

Young was hit in the helmet making a tackle in the second half and walked off the field a bit woozy as he was helped by trainers. He returned to the game but was feeling the effects afterward.

"I'm a little foggy right now,'' Young said. "If I say something off the wall, pardon me.''

He didn't, and now will have the offseason to recover.

In Brock I trust.

Dernière édition par le Lun 5 Nov - 11:30, édité 11 fois
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Nombre de messages : 1237
Localisation : 37.99 - 47.23
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2006

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 11:13


Merci Mr Young ! 35 ans c'est tout jeune encore ! Mr.Red
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Nombre de messages : 1975
Age : 56
Localisation : besançon / france-comté
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 13:20

Double C a écrit:
Nouvelle année, nouvelle offseason, nouveau topic

On commence l'année sur une bonne nouvelle : Bryant Young rempile! cheers

Citation :
Bryant Young update

Monday, January 1, 2007 at 09:17:00 PT
Source: San Francisco Chronicle

According to a SF Chronicle article Bryant Young is pleased with the progress the 49ers (7-9) made, defensive tackle Bryant Young said he definitely wants to return for the 2007 season.

"I feel healthy and that was key for me, to get through the entire season healthy,'' said Young, the longest-tenured 49er who turns 35 on Jan. 27. "And I like what we did in the offseason, there is a lot to build on. And with the type of guys that we bring in, it's only going to get better.''

The final two years of Young's contract voided after this season because he reached certain playing time incentives.

Young, who was a first-round draft pick out of Notre Dame in 1994, believes the 49ers are on track to make the playoffs next season.

"I feel that, definitely. We're headed in the right direction with this franchise,'' he said. "And I want to be a part of that.''

Young was hit in the helmet making a tackle in the second half and walked off the field a bit woozy as he was helped by trainers. He returned to the game but was feeling the effects afterward.

"I'm a little foggy right now,'' Young said. "If I say something off the wall, pardon me.''

He didn't, and now will have the offseason to recover.

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Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull

Nombre de messages : 1394
Age : 40
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 13:31

Ah ouai vous en êtes carrément là chez les fans des 49ers... vous faites des topics par année sachant pertinement que votre saison ne s'étend jamais jusqu'au mois de Janvier.

C'est triste quand même [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Alandon
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Nombre de messages : 1975
Age : 56
Localisation : besançon / france-comté
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 14:04

Sitting Bull a écrit:
Ah ouai vous en êtes carrément là chez les fans des 49ers... vous faites des topics par année sachant pertinement que votre saison ne s'étend jamais jusqu'au mois de Janvier.

C'est triste quand même [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Alandon

heu...............tu peux me rappeler combien les tapettes à plumes ont de bagues de SB?

Ha et autre question, quel est votre choix pour la prochaine draft? ........le 6°? c'est bien ce qui me semblait..............
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Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull

Nombre de messages : 1394
Age : 40
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 14:09

joemontana a écrit:
Sitting Bull a écrit:
Ah ouai vous en êtes carrément là chez les fans des 49ers... vous faites des topics par année sachant pertinement que votre saison ne s'étend jamais jusqu'au mois de Janvier.

C'est triste quand même [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Alandon

heu...............tu peux me rappeler combien les tapettes à plumes ont de bagues de SB?

Ha et autre question, quel est votre choix pour la prochaine draft? ........le 6°? c'est bien ce qui me semblait..............

Non mais jdis qu'on est mieux... regarde notre tout nouveau topic comme il est beau [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Alandon
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Nombre de messages : 1975
Age : 56
Localisation : besançon / france-comté
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 14:23

Sitting Bull a écrit:
joemontana a écrit:
Sitting Bull a écrit:
Ah ouai vous en êtes carrément là chez les fans des 49ers... vous faites des topics par année sachant pertinement que votre saison ne s'étend jamais jusqu'au mois de Janvier.

C'est triste quand même [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Alandon

heu...............tu peux me rappeler combien les tapettes à plumes ont de bagues de SB?

Ha et autre question, quel est votre choix pour la prochaine draft? ........le 6°? c'est bien ce qui me semblait..............

Non mais jdis qu'on est mieux... regarde notre tout nouveau topic comme il est beau [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Alandon

ha bon? pour mémoire: Lloyd, Carter, Rumph: tu sais les mecs dont on ne voulait plus à SF que vous avez signés à prix d'or. et tout ça pour virer Rumph et bientot Lloyd d'après ce qu'on lit à droite à gauche. c'est Carter qui est le seul à s'en être pas trop mal sorti.
Ha si, il me semble qu'il y a un CB que vous avez laissé partir, un certain Walt quelque chose qui a fini chez nous avec un bilan de 8 int et 4 FR........ [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Chapi

je dis pas que vous avez que des bras cassés (quoique Portis...... Razz ) Vous avez Betts, Campbell qui promet. mais il n'y a quand même pas de quoi se tirlipoter tout seul dans sa douche, quoi..............
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Double C
Hall of Fame
Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 2 Jan - 16:20

Mais c'est aussi l'heure du bilan... puker

QB: Enorme progression d'Alex Smith qui a encore une très grosse marge (de progression). Niveau stats, ça ne transparait pas tellement (moins de 3000y, autant de TDs que d'interceptions, faible rating) mais les arrivées conjointes de Norv Turner et de Trent Dilfer lui ont fait un bien fou. Il n'aura que 23 ans la saison prochaine, il devrait être là pour un bout de temps.

RB: Il y a Frank Gore et il y a les autres. Qui aurait cru qu'il sortirait une telle saison? Presque 1700y et 8 TD (plus 485y en réception) pour le #1 de la NFC. L'ex-pensionnaire de the U vise maintenant le record de Dickerson et les 2200y. Rien que ça... En tout cas, prions pour qu'il ne se blesse pas à nouveau parce qu'avec Robinson et Hicks derrière lui, le niveau dégringole... encore que Robinson pourrait tirer son épingle du jeu sur quelques matches.

WR: Les saisons passent et le problème demeure : on a toujours pas de vrai go-to guy. Bryant ne vas surement pas rester plus longtemps que Conway et Morton. Je ne suis pas sûr que Battle ait les épaules pour assurer le leadership. Il ne bénéficiera plus de l'effet de surprise. Les autres WRs du roster ont attrapé moins de 10 ballons chacun. Pas brillant.

TE: On attendait Vernon Davis avec impatience. On a eu un avant-goût prometteur sur le tout premiers drive de la saison avec un TD de 35y de VD puis une blessure lors du 3è match qui le fait manquer quasiment une moitié de saison. Il finit pas mal en captant au moins 3 ballons lors de chacune des 4 dernières journées. Pendant son absence, Eric Johnson a su montrer qu'on pouvait encore compter sur lui.

OL: La 3è arrivée phare en attaque est bien sûr Larry Allen. Le très vétéran a une grosse part de mérite dans la saison de Gore. Avec Jennings, le côté gauche est solide... quand ils ne sont pas blessés. De l'autre côté... il y a Kwame Harris. Au centre, Heitmann a fait un boulot plus qu'honorable avant de se blesser.

DL: La 3-4 est passé à la trappe en cours de saison. L'emergence de Ronald Fields, Melvin Oliver et Roderick Green a poussé Nolan à rejouer en 4-3. En bouts de ligne, BY et Marques Douglas ont fait leur part.

LB: Ce qui était la force de l'équipe il y a 2-3 ans est devenu un vaste work in progress. Seul Brandon Moore se fait remarquer. Manny Lawson n'a pas encore trouvé ses repères, Derek Smith n'a plus la cote chez les fans, Jeff Ulbrich a perdu sa place. Le front seven est moyen contre la course et à la limite du pathétique au niveau du pass rush. Gros boulot à faire dans ce domaine.

CB: Pass rush inexistant = des QBs qui arrosent. Malgré la renaissance de Walt Harris, le backfield défensif s'est une fois de plus fait ridiculiser. Keith Lewis a délogé Mike Adams du poste de FS et Mark Roman a prolongé pour 3 ans en SS. Shawntae Spencer s'est fait assez discret et a manqué plusieurs matchs sur blessure. Derrière les 4 titulaires, c'est la cata. On a vu Sammy Davis se faire plusieurs fois manger tout cru (par les Seahawks, notamment). Du renfort pendant la Free Agency serait bienvenu.

Special Teams
Rien de spécial. Nedney fait une saison moins flamboyante que l'an dernier mais reste solide. Néanmoins, ses 2 FGs de moins de 30y manqués ont failli nous coûter le match contre Seattle.
Andy Lee a eu moins de boulot qu'en 2005 (tant mieux) et termine avec une bonne moyenne de 44.8y par coup de pied.
Les retourneurs n'ont pas franchement brillé, aucun TD marqué. En couverture, c'est pas mal. Pas trop de yards remontés et un TD concédé.

Les besoins pour la saison prochaine
En vrac, du renfort dans le dernier rideau, un vrai pass rusher, un WR #1, un Right Tackle, etc.
J'ai pas franchement suivi la saison universitaire et à part Brady Quinn, je connais quasiment aucun nom donc, je ne formulerais aucun voeu pour notre 11è choix à la prochaine draft.
Par contre en FA, il peut y avoir du beau monde. Un CB tel que Samuel serait accueilli à bras ouvert.

In Brock I trust.

Dernière édition par le Mer 3 Jan - 9:45, édité 1 fois
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Double C
Hall of Fame
Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 3 Jan - 9:42

Citation :
Billy Davis to be Fired?
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 at 22:54:58 PT

According to Damon Bruce, a sports personality on KNBR, Billy Davis will be relieved of his duties tomorrow. This is based on a "reliable source" inside the 49ers organization. There is no word as to his replacement.

Billy Davis is in his second year as 49ers defensive coordinator. Many called for his release earlier this year but Nolan supported his defensive coordinator despite many blowout losses to opponents such as San Diego, Chicago, and Kansas City.

Nolan, a defensive minded coach, pretty much co-coordinated the defense this season, yet there is no indication as to his duties if a new coordinator is hired.
Mike Singletary est déjà dans les murs, ce serait idiot d'aller chercher ailleurs, à mon avis.

In Brock I trust.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Double C
Hall of Fame
Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 3 Jan - 9:53

Les adversaires des 49ers pour la saison prochaine :

Home:              Away:
Arizona            Arizona
St. Louis          St. Louis
Seattle            Seattle
New Orleans        Atlanta
Tampa Bay          Carolina
Baltimore          Cleveland
Cincinnati        Pittsburgh
Minnesota          N.Y. Giants
L'AFC North et la NFC South au programme avec les Vikings et les Giants en bonus. Pas facile... comme tous les calendriers. Au moins, cette fois on a pas à aller à Chicago.

In Brock I trust.
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Nombre de messages : 1237
Localisation : 37.99 - 47.23
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2006

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 3 Jan - 9:59

Double C a écrit:
Citation :
Billy Davis to be Fired?
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 at 22:54:58 PT

According to Damon Bruce, a sports personality on KNBR, Billy Davis will be relieved of his duties tomorrow. This is based on a "reliable source" inside the 49ers organization. There is no word as to his replacement.

Billy Davis is in his second year as 49ers defensive coordinator. Many called for his release earlier this year but Nolan supported his defensive coordinator despite many blowout losses to opponents such as San Diego, Chicago, and Kansas City.

Nolan, a defensive minded coach, pretty much co-coordinated the defense this season, yet there is no indication as to his duties if a new coordinator is hired.
Mike Singletary est déjà dans les murs, ce serait idiot d'aller chercher ailleurs, à mon avis.

Sauf si il s'en va ! Il a des entrevues avec d'autres teams en manque de DC
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Nombre de messages : 1237
Localisation : 37.99 - 47.23
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2006

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 3 Jan - 10:02

Double C a écrit:
Les adversaires des 49ers pour la saison prochaine :

Home:              Away:
Arizona            Arizona
St. Louis          St. Louis
Seattle            Seattle
New Orleans        Atlanta
Tampa Bay          Carolina
Baltimore          Cleveland
Cincinnati        Pittsburgh
Minnesota          N.Y. Giants
L'AFC North et la NFC South au programme avec les Vikings et les Giants en bonus. Pas facile... comme tous les calendriers. Au moins, cette fois on a pas à aller à Chicago.

Ma boule de cristal me dit : 10-6 !!!
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Nombre de messages : 53
Localisation : Issy-les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 3 Jan - 13:43

Citation :
Ma boule de cristal me dit : 10-6 !!!

de toute façon ne pas faire les PO l'année prochaine serait de mon point de vue un échec.

Faire les PO ne serait que la suite logique des dernières saisons si l'objectif est de gagner un superbowl prochainement... et j'espere que c'est l'objectif :[kill]:
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Double C
Hall of Fame
Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 3 Jan - 15:17

Etant donné que cette saison, on a gagné des matchs "perdus d'avance" (@ Seattle, @ Denver) et perdu des matchs largement à portée (AZ, GB, @ St-L), je me garderais bien de "prédire" une fiche pour 2007... pour l'instant.
Cependant, les Playoffs ne sont plus un objectif utopique.

In Brock I trust.
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Nombre de messages : 1237
Localisation : 37.99 - 47.23
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2006

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 3 Jan - 19:27

Voilà c'est confirmé :

Le DC et le DL coach sont remerciés, moi je verrai bien Rex Ryan en DC, qu'en dites vous ?

Citation :
Rex Ryan entered his 8th year with the Ravens in 2006, his 2nd as the defensive coordinator...Ryan is the only remaining Ravens' assistant coach from the 2000 Super Bowl XXXV season's superb defense...Rex had spent 6 seasons as the Ravens' highly-successful defensive line coach, and owns a distinctive NFL bloodline when it comes to coaching defenses...The Ryan family is a who's who trifecta that has coached in 6 Super Bowls with 5 different NFL teams*...Rex's father is the legendary Buddy Ryan; his twin brother is Rob Ryan, the defensive coordinator for the Oakland Raiders.
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Double C
Hall of Fame
Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyLun 8 Jan - 13:01

Citation :
Niners coach Mac Duff leaves for Longhorns

January 7, 2007

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) -- Special teams coordinator Larry Mac Duff is leaving the San Francisco 49ers to become an assistant coach at the University of Texas.

Mac Duff will be the Longhorns' assistant head coach, co-defensive coordinator and linebackers coach, the 49ers said Sunday night.

>article entier<

In Brock I trust.
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Double C
Hall of Fame
Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyLun 8 Jan - 17:38

Voici la liste des Niners qui seront libres en mars prochain :
Player                Position Type

Adams, Mike            S        RFA 
Gilmore, Bryan        WR      UFA 
Hetherington, Chris    FB      UFA 
Hicks, Maurice        RB      RFA 
Johnson, Eric          TE      UFA 
Lee, Andy              P        RFA 
Lewis, Keith          S        UFA 
Norris, Moran          FB      UFA 
Slaughter, T.J.        LB      UFA 
Williams, Chad        S        UFA 
Wragge, Tony          OG      ERFA
A mon avis, ça vaut le coup de tenter de garder tout le monde. Ils ont à peu près tous contribué au "succès" de cette saison.
Les prioritaires, toutefois (d'après moi) sont Eric Johnson, Keith Lewis, Tony Wragge... et même Andy Lee.

In Brock I trust.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 1975
Age : 56
Localisation : besançon / france-comté
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyLun 8 Jan - 18:36

Double C a écrit:
Voici la liste des Niners qui seront libres en mars prochain :
Player                Position Type

Adams, Mike            S        RFA 
Gilmore, Bryan        WR      UFA 
Hetherington, Chris    FB      UFA 
Hicks, Maurice        RB      RFA
Johnson, Eric          TE      UFA
Lee, Andy              P        RFA 
Lewis, Keith          S        UFA 
Norris, Moran          FB      UFA 
Slaughter, T.J.        LB      UFA 
Williams, Chad        S        UFA 
Wragge, Tony          OG      ERFA
A mon avis, ça vaut le coup de tenter de garder tout le monde. Ils ont à peu près tous contribué au "succès" de cette saison.
Les prioritaires, toutefois (d'après moi) sont Eric Johnson, Keith Lewis, Tony Wragge... et même Andy Lee.

Hicks, Maurice RB RFA
Johnson, Eric TE UFA
Lee, Andy P RFA
Lewis, Keith S UFA
Norris, Moran FB UFA

Wragge, Tony OG ERFA

moi, je garderais ceux là et particulièremement Moran Norris qui a fait une super saison. Gore lui doit beaucoup.
sans oublier la révélation en défense Keith "hard hitting" lewis
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Double C
Hall of Fame
Double C

Nombre de messages : 6767
Age : 47
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyVen 12 Jan - 11:36

Citation :
Here is a look at the 49ers players scheduled to be free agents:


--DL Bryant Young - Let's see, he wants to be back and the 49ers want him back. According to my calculations, that means he's going to be back. The only thing that can go wrong would be if the club offers him a sizable pay cut from the $4.25 million salary he has earned the past four seasons and Young is offended. Still, it would be a shock if Young does not suit up for the 49ers next season.

--TE Eric Johnson - He is not going to break the bank in free agency. Johnson still sees himself as a starting NFL tight end, but it is doubtful he can land a starting role with another team. That means his best option is likely to return to the 49ers and serve as Vernon Davis' backup. The 49ers would like to have his presence on the roster for at least another year to create at least the appearance of competition for the youngster.

--DL Anthony Adams - His playing time dropped off dramatically from last season. Mike Nolan said he likes to have his defensive tackles be more of the dirty-work types, rather than play Adams' penetrating style. The 49ers would like to bulk up more on the interior of the line, so that makes his return highly doubtful.

--WR Bryan Gilmore - Gilmore was thought of as the team's best-blocking wideout. When the 49ers went with their two-TE and two-back formation, Gilmore was the lone receiver. But he really was not much of a factor in the pass game, even after Antonio Bryant's suspension forced him into the starting lineup. Gilmore caught just one pass in the final eight games of the season. However, that happened to be a big one, a third-down grab that led to the winning points in OT against the Broncos. The 49ers need to upgrade here so their third WR is more of a receiving threat. That said, he still might return to fight for a spot in training camp.

--S Chad Williams - He is one of Nolan's favorites. Though certainly not of starting quality because of his coverage skills, Williams did a respectable job in his role as an extra defensive back. He's a good tackler and plays best when used close to the line of scrimmage. If he returns, he would unquestionably have a lot more competition than last year for his roster spot.

--LB Hannibal Navies - Signed in late November when T.J. Slaughter went on injured reserve, Navies started playing immediately. He played in six games and started three. Was a part of the team's nickel defense. Navies was credited with 20 tackles in his limited time with the team, and also made a couple tackles on special teams. His re-signing is not a huge priority, but he might get a chance to go to camp with the club.

--FB Chris Hetherington - Opened the season as the starter ahead of Moran Norris. When the 49ers gave Norris a chance in Week 3, he proved to be a huge upgrade because of his blocking. Hetherington was just active for one more game the entire season, as a special-teams player. It is not fiscally responsible to have 12-year veterans inactive on game days. Probably not much of a chance he returns, especially because Norris has already agreed to a three-year extension.

--S Deke Cooper - He saw a lot of action for the Jaguars in three previous seasons but was cut by the Dolphins in training camp last year. He finally latched on with the 49ers to take the place of Jay Foreman on Dec. 18. Cooper saw action on special teams in the final game of the season, making one tackle and getting credited with a fumble recovery. He has great size (6-2, 210). Although not a priority re-signing, he might warrant a one-year deal and a chance to show his stuff in camp.

--DT Lance Legree - He was working on Wall Street as a financial advisor when the 49ers called him to bring him in for the final couple weeks of the regular season. Highly unlikely they'll give him another chance in camp after he was cut last year.

--C Jeremy Newberry (injured reserve) - This one needs to be handled carefully because Newberry was one of the best 49ers of the past decade. Newberry has undergone major surgeries on both knees since playing in his last game. He has no cartilage remaining in either knee, but he's undergone "microfracture" surgery, in which tiny holes are drilled into his knees to promote the formation of scar tissue to act as cartilage. Although he recently told the Sac Bee he feels fine and hopes to play again, he has also said he would not be able to practice every day. That means he could not be the starter, and the 49ers like their backups to play more than one position on the line. The 49ers feel good about their backup situation at center and guard behind Eric Heitmann, who expects to be recovered from his broken leg in time for the June organized team activities. It is pretty obvious the 49ers wish that Newberry would retire on his own - for his sake and the team's. They paid Newberry $1.5 million last season after he went on injured reserve. Financially, the 49ers have to protect themselves against using cap dollars on a player who is not likely to make it through a full season healthy.

--LB T.J. Slaughter (injured reserve) - A good special teams player who started to see more and more action on defense because of the myriad of problems the team faced. If the 49ers use a picks in the first four rounds of the draft to grab a linebacker or two - and they are likely to do so - Slaughter would become expendable.

--LB Jay Foreman (injured reserve) - Signed late in the season after an injury to Derek Smith created a need at linebacker. He sustained a knee injury and ended up on IR. Highly unlikely, he'd be re-signed.

--FB Moran Norris - Technically, he is scheduled for unrestricted free agency. But the sides have already agreed to terms on a three-year contract extension through 2009. Because of the type of contract he signed with the 49ers last offseason, he has to wait until March 2 (the first day of free-agency) for his new deal to be finalized.


--S Keith Lewis - Although he lacks great cover skills, Lewis did a fine job as a starter and helped bring a certain attitude to the defense. The 49ers figure to bring in somebody to push for his starting job. Even if they find that person, Lewis figures into the future because of his physical mentality. If nothing else, Lewis will be one of the team's top special-teams players. Expect them to tender him.

--P Andy Lee - He had the best season for any 49ers punter in the history of Candlestick. He'll be back, and he'll have a new coach. He'll be tendered.

--RB Maurice Hicks - The 49ers tried to work out a long-term extension with him, but expect them to tender him. Because he was undrafted, the 49ers would get the right of first refusal but no compensation if another team signs him to an offer sheet. Titans coach Jeff Fisher is a huge fan, so don't be surprised if they inquire about his services.

--S Mike Adams - It looks as if Adams should have signed the 49ers' contract-extension proposal early in the season. At the time, the deal was described as "good backup money." The problem, Adams thought, was that he was starting. However, his play leveled off and he was ultimately replaced by Lewis in the starting lineup. With an influx of talent expected to join the team, Adams is going to be in a fight to earn a spot on the '07 team.


G/C Tony Wragge - The 49ers hold his exclusive negotiating rights, so he will be back. He did everything asked of him, as he surpassed second-round draft pick David Baas on the depth chart to earn starts at left guard and center.
J'avais complétement oublié Newberry. Je pensais qu'il avait pris sa retraite en début de saison. Il dit qu'il a plus de genoux (mais ce n'est pas une tapette géante) et il paraît évident qu'il ne reviendra jamais assez en forme pour tenir toute une saison en tant que C titulaire. Il risque déjà de finir ses jours en marchant avec une canne, autant arrêter les frais ici. D'autant plus qu'on a trouvé un remplaçant valable avec Eric Heitmann.
Merci pour ces saisons efficaces.
[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Icon35

In Brock I trust.
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Nombre de messages : 6767
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MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyLun 15 Jan - 14:25

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49ers hire Al Everest to special teams job
One down, two to go.

The 49ers hired Al Everest on Sunday to replace Larry Mac Duff as special-teams coordinator just one week after Mac Duff took a position with the University of Texas as assistant head coach/co-defensive coordinator/linebackers coach.

"Al brings a tremendous amount of experience to our coaching staff," 49ers coach Mike Nolan said. "His special teams units were extremely successful while he was with New Orleans. The Saints were among the leaders in just about every category during that time. Al is very excited about joining the 49ers, and I am equally excited about having him on board."

The 49ers now have two coaching openings: defensive coordinator and defensive-line coach. Nolan interviewed Donnie Henderson for the defensive coordinator position on Saturday and went out to dinner with him.
>article entier<
Si Nolan en dit tant de bien alors... [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Icon17

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MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 17 Jan - 10:06

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Tomsula hired to coach defensive line

Former Rhein Fire head coach Jim Tomsula has been hired as the 49ers' new defensive line coach, replacing Gary Emanuel, who was fired, along with defensive coordinator Billy Davis, on Jan. 2.

Tomsula has never coached in the NFL, but as an extensive resume from NFL Europe. He became the youngest head coach in NFL Europe League history in November 2005 at the age of 38. The Fire went 5-4 last season in Tomsula's only season.

"Jim has a great track record of success in NFL Europe and has earned the opportunity to step up to the National Football League," 49ers coach Mike Nolan said. "He is an outstanding teacher and he has had a great rapport with the players wherever he has coached. He has had success as a defensive line coach, defensive coordinator and head coach in NFL Europe, and he also has experience coaching numerous college all-star games."

Last season, Tomsula had three offensive linemen on his team who are currently with the 49ers: Tony Wragge, Harvey Dahl and Nick Steitz.

In 2004 and '05, he served as defensive coordinator of the Berlin Thunder, advancing to the World Bowl in each of those seasons. Tomsula joined the Thunder after five seasons as defensive line coach with the Scottish Claymores. His first season in pro football was with the England Monarchs in 1998. He began his coaching career at Charleston Southern and Catawba College in Salisbury, N.C. Tomsula played his college football at Catawba after transferring from Middle Tennessee State.

Tomsula was the only person Nolan interviewed for the defensive line job. Over the weekend, Nolan hired special-teams coordinator Al Everest, the only person he interviewed for that opening.
Le gars n'a jamais coaché en NFL. D'un côté, il peut apporter un regard tout neuf mais de l'autre, je ne sais pas s'il va oser corriger Bryant Young sur son positionnement avant le snap.

In Brock I trust.
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Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMer 17 Jan - 10:19

Moi, j'en déduis surtout que chez les 49ers, pour avoir le job, faut arriver le premier au Rendez-Vous pour être choisi.

Au moins, vous aurez des coachs ponctuels.
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MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyMar 23 Jan - 11:57

J'aime pas ça :
ProFootballWeekly a écrit:
The Niners realize it would behoove them to give ace RB Frank Gore a healthy raise before his contract expires after the 2007 season. However, the way we hear it, negotiations with Gore’s agent, Drew Rosenhaus, will hardly be cut and dried, since, regardless of Gore’s great success, they still consider him a 24-year-old running back in a 30-year-old’s body. Another valued young Niner with the same contract situation as Gore, starting ORG Justin Smiley, is a good bet to be re-signed first.

J'aime encore moins : a écrit:
Could Norv Turner be Dallas' next coach?
Monday, January 22, 2007 at 10:11:38 PT

Dallas Cowboys head coach Bill Parcells retired from coaching football this morning. The Dallas Morning News feels that there are two possibilities as replacements for Parcells. One being San Diego defensive coordinator Wade Phillips. The other being San Francisco offensive coordinator Norv Turner.

Turner joined San Francisco on January 17, 2006. Turner was the offensive coordinator with the Dallas Cowboys on Jimmy Johnson's staff when Dallas won back to back Super Bowls in 1992 and 1993. Turner got much of the credit for their success.

He is also credited for the improvement in second year quarterback Alex Smith and has a good reputation for developing young quarterbacks in the NFL.

Of course, much of this is likely to be speculation.

Ca, je préfère :
Press Democrat a écrit:
Former Cowboys coach Dave Campo has emerged as a candidate for the 49ers' vacant defensive-coordinator position and is expected to interview with coach Mike Nolan at the Senior Bowl today in Mobile, Ala.

Campo served as the Jaguars' assistant head coach/secondary the past two seasons. The 49ers received permission from the Jaguars to interview Campo.

Prior to joining the Jaguars, Campo was the Browns' defensive coordinator for two years. He coached 14 seasons for the Cowboys, the final three of which as head coach from 2000-'02. He has three Super Bowl rings with the Cowboys.

Nolan fired Billy Davis as defensive coordinator on Jan. 2. He interviewed former Jets and Lions defensive coordinator Donnie Henderson two weeks ago.

In Brock I trust.
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Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptySam 27 Jan - 11:00

Citation :
Sources: Niners make lucrative bid to retain Turner
By Ed Werder

The San Francisco 49ers are offering Norv Turner a lucrative incentive package in his contract in a bid to persuade him to remain and continue developing quarterback Alex Smith, rather than interviewing for the Dallas Cowboys' head-coaching position, according to sources.

Seeking a replacement for retired head coach Bill Parcells, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones interviewed San Diego Chargers defensive coordinator Wade Phillips through the morning and into the early afternoon Friday. Phillips also discussed the team's personnel with Parcells, who has also been offering Jones his opinion on the coaching candidates.

Jones is expected to interview New Orleans Saints defensive coordinator Gary Gibbs on Saturday and then Turner sometime after Saturday's Senior Bowl in Mobile, Ala., where Turner and the 49ers coaching staff are working.

Moi qui pensais l'an dernier qu'engager un vieux coordinateur nous protegerait d'un départ précoce vers un poste de HC... [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Pray

In Brock I trust.
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Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition   [Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition EmptyLun 29 Jan - 10:35

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The fate of two great teams hinges on one Norv Turner

By Tim Kawakami
Mercury News Sports Columnist

Alex Smith or Tony Romo? Jerry Jones or Mike Nolan? It's funny how things are breaking for Norv Turner these days, and how large his next decision looms.

Has it really come down to Norv determining the fate of two historic NFL franchises? It looks like it's heading that way.

On one side stands Nolan, who brought Turner to the 49ers in 2006, saw Frank Gore turn into a monster and Smith into a credible quarterback, and definitely doesn't want to hire a third offensive coordinator in three seasons.

On the other side tugs Jones, the Dallas Cowboys owner who seeks a steady coach to nurture Romo, replace Bill Parcells, and possibly bridge the gap to a more exciting name in 2008.

In the middle is Turner, who has failed twice as a head coach but has an ego just as big as anybody else's and has emotional ties to those giddy Super Bowl days in Dallas.

The 49ers are reportedly -- and wisely -- maneuvering to increase Turner's already pretty good salary in an effort to keep him; the Cowboys could offer him much more.

So it'll be up to Norv: stay with the 49ers and break the hearts of his best NFL friends, or go to Dallas and shatter the progress of Smith, Gore and Nolan.

It's hard to believe that much hinges on one man, but it probably does.


Norv's a born coordinator, not a born leader. But he doesn't believe that, feels slighted by the assumption, and it's not his fault teams keep offering him head-coaching jobs and head-coaching money.


I think I can approximate some of what Turner is hearing from Nolan and the 49ers:

• If you lift Smith to the Pro Bowl and the 49ers offense to playoff-level, you will go down alongside your mentor Ernie Zampese as an all-time offensive coordinator.

If you flop in Dallas, you're a thrice-failed head coach. And you might have to deal with Terrell Owens only two years after coaching Randy Moss. Nobody deserves that pain.

Smith needs you to stick around; you saved him last season, lifting his passer rating from 40.8 as a rookie to 74.8, and his touchdown passes from one to 16. Receivers coach Jerry Sullivan probably can move smoothly over to offensive coordinator, but there's no way Smith will get the same kind of tutoring.

Can you picture stepping up to the podium and giving a speech introducing Smith in Canton a couple of decades after your Aikman moment? (OK, that one's a bit much.)

• Nolan needs you to stick around. He's still scrounging for the right defensive coordinator. If his offense is on shaky ground, too, then two years of progress might go out the window.

• Nolan just got John York to approve a pay raise for you. Do you know how hard that is to pull off?

There it is, Norv. The 49ers and the Cowboys, who used to tussle for NFC supremacy, are now arm-wrestling over you.

If it gets too tough, just flip a coin. Heads: you win. Tails: you win even more.

>pour lire l'article en entier<
Fais pas le con, Norv! Pense au p'tit.

[Leur objectif? 2008... ou pas] 49ers topic / 2007 edition Smith_alex_274

De toute façon, t'es une bille en Head Coach.

In Brock I trust.
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